Meet Michael
Meet Michael
State Senator Michael J. Rodrigues was elected to the Massachusetts State Senate in 2010, and serves the First Bristol and Plymouth District, which includes Westport, Fall River, Freetown, Lakeville, Rochester, Somerset, and Swansea. He was appointed as Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, as well as the Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Steering and Policy for the 2019-2020 legislative session. In the 2017-2018 session, he served as Senate Majority Whip, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Ethics, and Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Redistricting, and previously served as the Chair of the Joint Committee on Revenue. Prior to being elected to the Senate, Michael served 14 years in the House of Representatives, where he chaired the Committee on Commerce and Labor, the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, and the Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. He also served on the Committee on House Ways and Means.
Michael graduated from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. He is President and Treasurer of ABC Floor Covering, Westport, MA.
He is the recipient of numerous awards from a variety of local organizations. Senator Rodrigues was also distinguished by the President of Portugal in 2010 with the Medal of Prince Henry the Navigator, which is the highest honor bestowed upon non-citizens of Portugal.
Michael Rodrigues and family